Monday, February 23, 2009

Oh Sister

Friday, February 20, 2009


I went through about 10 revisions until I got this finally done. I'm happy with the end. 

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Oh yes.SQUISHH and Paul the rabbit

Ive been gone ... of course. but busy.

This is an illustration I did for INK magazine. It is a center-fold VCU board game.
Here is the sketch for an article about apartment ratings for INK magazine. I illustrated a slight contrast in the way of living for those who live in apartments.

Here is the finished and colored.

Here is an illustration for an article on "sexting" : texting 'dirty messages and photos' to other people's cell phones. I know it is so simple, but I am loving the blur paint brush on photoshop. I think it gives a great effects with shading. I wish I could include more textures in the piece. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I need to start updating daily ... hmmm

Hey kids. I need to get more stuff up here. geez. Here are some caricatures I've done recently and some things of the past. The Elvis caricature is really rough, but I wanted to put it up fast so I will finish and clean him up later.